Manwood James … Our first year
The aim of this article could be to wax lyrically about how good we are at recruitment and how our customers think we are wonderful… stop right there!! We have no intention to plug our services!
More to the point my agenda is to discuss the journey that “two reluctant entrepreneurs” embarked upon to set up a recruitment business in a crowded and competitive marketplace this time last year.
Reluctant may be a curious adjective to describe us but having spent most of our working lives in the corporate world we are late in joining the cohort of entrepreneurs… neither do we fit the typical traits of the said group.
We are simply two chaps looking to provide a straight forward, honest recruitment service to all of our customers. We really do care – our reputation and money are on the line … failure is not an option!
Like many small business owners, we have risen to the challenges of winning customers who have little awareness of the brand they stand for but hope to trust the service they have been promised. The adrenalin rush of this achievement can’t be under-estimated, and it is the driver that keeps us motivated and focused.
The recruitment industry has changed so much and has been very quick to embrace new technologies. Social media has left an indelible mark on the industry and LinkedIn particularly has been a great way to build relationships with customers and build a profile of what your service is about. We do have a chuckle about some of the stuff recruiters share on the platform …..really not sure why customers would be interested in a recruiter getting an internal promotion , trophy , or the latest office lunch/party …..more discussions that are client/candidate/industry focused I think is the way forward …..anyway that is just my opinion!
Back to the journey … we have focused on a building relationship with fellow SME’s and placing senior candidates across several sectors. We have had so much encouragement and great feedback in the way we operate which really helps, especially when we are having a bad day
A good day is when we achieve an objective that we have pledged to make happen – it could be something small that is admin/back office or something bigger like helping a candidate secure a role that meets their career aims and progress
Like many new businesses we face the difficulty of managing our own performance, always thinking you are right because you don’t have a boss to contradict you !! and the uncertainty of the future, but positively as the year has passed by, we are more confident and assured that we are moving in the right direction
As we know across several mediums the professional, knowledge, support and guidance to run a successful business is in abundance and pretty sophisticated and whilst this is valuable, our experience and self- belief has been our biggest asset …
Happy birthday to us!!
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